First field visit within the Specialized Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds”

The first field visit was held on Saturday, February 29, within the 7th cycle of the Specialized Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds”, The goal of the field visit was to present and inform the attendees of the Programme about the examples of good practice from EU projects on the territory of Vojvodina.
At the Town Hall in Subotica, Ms Božidarka Golubović, Head of the Office for Local Economic Development, greeted the attendees. Ms. Golubovic emphasized the importance of attending the Specialized Programme, as she was a participant of the fourth cycle of the Programme and emphasized that the City of Subotica has been successfully implementing projects from numerous donor sources since 2005, as well as having over 20 completed projects.
Experience in the preparation and implementation of Danube-transnational programmes, INTERREG IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia, INTERREG IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia were conveyed to the participants,
as well as many other projects. The Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government is also a partner in some of the projects presented. Significant assistance was also highlighted by the Provincial Government through tenders for co-financing EU projects
After the presentation at the Town Hall, the attendees visited the restored synagogue in Subotica where they were welcomed by Iles Hajnalka, the synagogue coordinator.
The Subotica Synagogue is the second largest in Europe, built in 1902 in the Art Nouveau style. The synagogue was proclaimed a monument of cultural importance in 1974, and the restoration of the Synagogue began in 2013. The City of Subotica, the Provincial and Republican Governments, financed the exterior of the façade, while the interior was financed by the Hungarian Government with € 1.6 million. The rebuilt Synagogue is planned to be the venue for cultural events.