The first guest lecturer in the 6th cycle of the Specialised Programme

Within the framework of the 6th cycle of the Specialised Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU funds”, the first guest lecturer, Jelena Vidović, Republic of Slovenia, held a presentation on 15th June 2019.
Given that the Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska has several decades of in the development and implementation of projects co-financed by the EU, the participants were informed about a large number of projects implemented in Slovenia in different fields, such as tourism, economy, culture, as well as about the programme of the Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska until 2020.
The cooperation between the European Affairs Fund of the APV and the RDA Gorenjska of Slovenia has also been intensified by signing the Protocol on Cooperation between the two institutions, which in the future, would contribute to the development of partnerships of institutions from AP Vojvodina and Gorenjska through the implementation of EU co-financed projects, especially EU transnational programmes, as well as better exchange of best practice.
With this respect, the Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska has hosted the study visit within the Specialised Programme in the Republic of Slovenia for two years.