Lectures within the “European Village“ event

During the last week – from 9 March to 13 March 2020 – the representatives of the European Affaitrs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Тeodora Milkov Manić, Јelena Radosavljević Rovčanin, Мilan Čežek, Zoran Pavić, and Kristina Bašić held a series of lectures within the “European Village“ event.
Within the lecture “Meet the EU“, the lessons were held to the sixth-grade pupils from elementary schools on the topic of the emergence of the European Union, as well as the history, culture and tradition of the nations and states that make up modern Europe
During the first week, the “Meet EU” lessons were held in the following elementary schools: “Žarko Zrenjanin“, “Sonja Marinković“, “Đura Jakšić“, „Dr. Јovan Cvijić“, and “Petar Petrović Njegoš“ in Zrenjanin, “Jovan Dučić“ in Кlek, “Branko Ćopić“ in Lukićevo, “Uroš Predić“ in Оrlovat, “Mladost“ in Томaševac, and “1st October“ in Botoš. The total number of pupils that attended the lectures was 371.