Representatives of provincial administrative authorities successfully underwent training for EU project development
The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina in cooperation with the Department of Human Resources Management of the Government of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has held the first part of the training
The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina in cooperation with the Department of Human Resources Management of the Government of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has held the first part of the training course under the title “EU Funds – from idea to implementation“. The seminar was held on 15th and 16th May at the Center of Economic and Technological Development of Vojvodina (CePTOR), Andrevlje, where the representatives of different provincial administrative authorities could obtain basic knowledge on project development to apply under EU calls for proposals. The seminar was opened by the Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Mr. Siniša Lazić who emphasized the need for the greatest possible number of province officials to receive training in EU project development in the next period, so that the provincial administration could be ready to attract EU funds. The attendees were also addressed by the Director of the Department of Human Resources Management, Mrs. Melvinger Majoroš who thanked on the great response and a large number of applications for the training and pointed out that the Fund and the Department had cooperated successfully in the past three years.
The aim of the first part of the training course was to provide information on the novelties in EU project funding in the light of the new 2014-2020financial perspective. The attendees could learn about the novelties expecting us within the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA2), as well as new EU programmers that underwent certain changes in comparison to the previous 2007-2013financial perspective. Moreover, the participants obtained basic knowledge and guidelines for EU fund management in the sense of individual project proposal development, and their strategic positioning within the defined priorities and available financial limits. During the two-day training course, the attendees could learn something more about the tools used in project idea formulation, such as objective tree, problem tree and logical framework, whereas topics linking up with the previous the part of the training, such as project budgeting, filling in of application forms and project proposal evaluation, were envisaged for the second part. The second part of the training was planned to be held in June 2014.
During the two-day training course, through theoretic approach and practical tasks, the participants developed certain project proposals and attempted to formulate EU projects relying on the projects that were proposed by certain provincial secretariats as a constituent part of the Action Plan for the implementation of the priorities of the Development Programme of AP Vojvodina 2014-2020. The training course allowed exchange of experience in EU projects among the representatives of provincial administrative authorities, and involving group work, the participants developed project proposals of importance to AP Vojvodina, so that they could take an active role in seizing the opportunities offered by the EU funds in the future.