Representatives of provincial administrative authorities successfully finished the training for EU project development
The training course under the title “EU Funds – from idea to implementation“ has been held and organised by the European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province(AP) of Vojvodina and the Department of Huma
The training course under the title “EU Funds – from idea to implementation“ has been held and organised by the European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province(AP) of Vojvodina and the Department of Human Resources Management of the Government of AP Vojvodina. The first part was held on 15th and 16th May, while the second part on 25th and 26th June at the Centre of Economic and Technological Development of Vojvodina (CePTOR), Andrevlje, where the representatives of different provincial administrative authorities could obtain basic knowledge on project development to apply under EU calls for proposals, focusing on cross-border cooperation (CBC) programmes available to institutions of the AP Vojvodina.
The aim of the second part of the training course was to inform the attendees about the elements of EU project budget and budgeting. Moreover, they obtained basic knowledge and guidelines for the filling-in of application forms under CBC programmes. The participants had hands-on experience in the development of certain project form parts, especially project fiche, which was the first item in the evaluation of project proposals. The presentation of topics involved theory and practice when there was a follow-up on the tasks covered in the first part of the training. The project proposals of provincial secretariats relied on the priorities of the Development Programme of AP Vojvodina 2014-2020, and the accompanying Action Plan.
The training course provided an opportunity for the exchange of experience in European projects among the members of provincial administrative authorities, whereas working in groups, the attendees developed project proposals of interest to the AP Vojvodina, so that they could take a more active role in seizing the opportunities the EU funds offered.