Representatives of the English Language Teachers’ Association (ELTA) Serbia on a training course for the development of projects under Erasmus+ and IPA Cross-Border Cooperation

At the request of the English Language Teachers’ Association (ELTA) from Belgrade, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Tamara Glišić and Jano Puškar have held a three-day training course “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds“ at the British Council.
The course attendees were the English language teachers, members of ELTA, the majority of whom were professionally engaged in primary and secondary schools in Serbia. The course gathered 22 participants, who were informed about the EU funded programmes, which were available to beneficiaries from Serbia, with special emphasis on Erasmus+, the joint EU programme for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport. Furthermore, the presentation involved the cross-border cooperation programmes, especially the IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme with Bosnia and Herzegovina and with Montenegro under which open calls for project proposals were ongoing. Involving theory and practical tasks, the attendees were informed about the basic project elements, whilst four project ideas were developed in group work. Moreover, the basic tool in EU project development – logical framework, project budgeting under Erasmus+ and ongoing application forms were also overviewed. The goal of the training was to equip the participants, so that they could develop project proposals to apply for EU funds on their own, as well as to train them to identify project ideas likely to be financed in that way.
The training course has been the continuation of the activities of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina aimed at establishing cooperation with the representatives of civil society organisations which are important stakeholders in the EU integration process of the Republic of Serbia.
The letter by ELTA may be viewed here.