Presentation of aactivities of the Vojvodina Development Agency and the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina to the representatives of local economic development offices

The presentation of activities of the Vojvodina Development Agency and the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina aimed at the representatives of local economic development offices was held at the Vojvodina Development Agency in Novi Sad on 7 February 2018. The objective was to inform the employees of local economic development offices in Vojvodina about the activities and employees of those provincial institutions, with whom they share mutual denominators and who can help them to create and implement their plans and projects, gain know-how, attract investors etc.
Jovan Podraščanin, Assistant Provincial Secretary for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-government, as the representative of the umbrella institution, opened the event.
The activities of the Vojvodina Development Agency were presented by Nikola Žeželj, Director, Maja Sokić Heger, Director of the Department for Strategic Research, Ivan Borovčanin, Director of the Department for Investments, Vlastimira Stanković Ruškuc, PR Advisor and Milana Borišev, Advisor for Marketing.
Tijana Krstić Maravić, Senior Officer for Cooperation with European, Regional and International Institutions, presented the main activities of the European Affairs Fund and Vojvodina European Office in Brussels.
Given that the Vojvodina Development Agency was established on the foundations of the Vojvodina Investment Promotion Fund last year, which took over the work and partly the employees of the Agency for Regional Development of AP Vojvodina in January, it initiated the meeting so that all parties could get to know each other better, as well as to facilitate future communication and cooperation.