Promotion of European programmes at the Institute for Culture of Ruthernians in Vojvodina

There has been a presentation on the work of the Office for European Affairs held at the Institute for Culture of Ruthernians in Vojvodina (Zavod za kulturu vojvođanskih Rusina), which was organized by the Office for European Affairs. The participants in the event could obtain information on the previous activities of the Office for European Affairs, as well as detailed information on the possibilities of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme and participation in South-East Europe territorial cooperation. Dražen Lovrić and Andrija Aleksić, of the Office for European Affairs, stressed out the importance of international and regional cooperation which contribute to general social and economic improvement of Vojvodina and its citizens.

There were about thirty representatives of different institutions and other national councils and institutes. According to the host, the presentation allowed Ruthenian national, media, cultural and educational institutions and local communities where members of Ruthenian minority live to obtain more information about European funds and possibilities of applying for foreign funds.