Cooperation with the municipalities of Bač and Odžaci

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Senka Bengin and Zoran Pavić, as well as the representatives of the Vojvodina Development Agency, Maja Skojić Heger and Jaroslava Ferko, visited the municipality of Bač and the municipality of Odžaci on 20th June 2019.
In the municipality of Bač, they had a meeting with Nikola Banjac, in charge of the municipal economic development, and his associates. In the municipality of Odžaci, they were welcomed by Igor Prać, Assistant President of the Municipality, and his associates.
In both municipalities, there has been some progress regarding the use of EU funds, yet an agreement was made to enhance direct cooperation between the representatives of local governments and the Fund, as well as VDA. In the municipality of Odžaci, there was a need for another session of the Funds’s training courses “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds“, since there was a large number of those interested in contributing to the development of their local self-government through such type of education. The representatives of the municipality of Odžaci indicated the need for to implement a project on the construciton of a cycling route between Bjeliće and Odžaci, thus improving the tourist potential of Odžaci.
During the meetings, the discussion also touched upon the prospect for cooperation between the representatives of the local self-governments and the Vojvodina Development Agency through the use of subsidies, as well as through the drafting of development of documents that directly concerning the public local self-government.