The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Senka Bengin and Zoran Pavić, in cooperation with the Vojvodina Development Agency visited the municipality of Opovo and the municipality of Kovačica on 25th June 2019.

In Opovo, the representatives of the Fund and of VDA were welcomed by Goran Fogl, assistant president of the municipality in charge of the economy, and his associates, while in Kovačica, by Daniel Magdu, head of the department for local development, who presented two projects being implemented in order to procure medical equipment and inventory of public property.
The municipal representatives expressed their need to train their staff as well as possible in the coming period in order to use European funds. In this regard, an agreement was made for the Fund to conduct training courses in those municipalities in the shortest possbile time.
During the meetings, the discussion also touched upon the prospect for cooperation between the representatives of the local self-governments and the Vojvodina Development Agency through the use of subsidies, as well as through the drafting of development of documents that directly concerning the public local self-government.