A meeting on the participation of public companies in European projects

An initial meeting of the coordination group for public and public and utility companies regarding participation in European projects has been held today and it has been organised by the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina. The attendees were first addressed by Predrag Novikov, Director of European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina, who explained the importance of active participation in EU programmes which open up to potential candidate countries to EU accession. After that, Andrija Aleksić, Head of European Fund Department, presented our successful projects under previous cross-border cooperation programmes, as well as the possibilities for applying under the programmes which will be available to us in the months to come.
This time the meeting was attended by the representative of Public Utility Company “Čistoća”, Public Company “SPC Vojvodina”, Public Water Management Company “Vode Vojvodine”, Public City Transportation “Novi Sad“, Public Utility Company “Gradsko zelenilo”, Public Utility Company “Parking servis”, Public Utility Company “Tržnica”, Public Company “Urbanizam”, Public Company “Vojvodinašume”, Public Utility Company “Informatika”, Public Company “Nacionalni park Fruška Gora“, Public Utility Company “Vodovod i kanalizacije”, Public Utility Company “Put” and Public Company “Zavod za izgradnju grada”.