Сeremony marked the 7th cycle of the Specialized Programme

The beginning of the 7th cycle of the Specialized Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds” which the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina implements for years, under the auspices of the Provincial Government, was ceremonially marked at the Educons University in Sremska Kamenica.
“Over the past six cycles, the Specialized Programme has supported the creation of personnel active in various spheres of public life who are now able to take on an active role and participate in the process of European integration in their daily business activities. The European Union strongly supports the concept of lifelong learning, which as such is the star guide for launching this programme. Representatives of public administration, non-governmental organisations, cultural and educational institutions, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises can tackle the current tendencies and trends in the EU Member States with which our country cooperates closely in all fields, is a permanent investment in the staff involved in the affairs of European integration, and this Program is an ideal opportunity to expand existing knowledge and to acquire new knowledge, “said the Fund’s director, Vidosava Enderić, welcoming the attendees. “Over the next four months, after 200 hours divided into 4 modules, I believe that you will be ready to actively participate in the programmes that you will learn from first-rate lecturers and practitioners,” said Director Enderić and reminded that this programme is fully funded by the Provincial Government.
While addressing the participants, wishing them success, Nebojša Drakulić, Assistant Provincial Secretary for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government, expressed his satisfaction that the Specialized Programme, which is extremely important is developing from year to year and that interest in this type of education is increasing.
“With this generation of students, we will have more than 250 trained individuals in project writing and management of regional development through the mechanisms of using European Union funds, which is now, at the time when we are moving towards European integration of essential importance,” Drakulić said pointing out that it is almost impossible today to talk about regional development without the existing expertise in this field.”
Through its various modules, the Specialized Programme focuses on all aspects of accession to European funds, but in addition to technical knowledge, it also provides insight into the way the European Union and its institutions function, the thinking of European officials and bureaucrats, the functioning of EU regional policy, all in preparation for full membership of the Republic Serbia in the European Union.
Attendees were also greeted by Zoran Brljak, Marketing Director of Educons University.