Seminar “Creative Europe – project proposal development“
The Antenna of Creative Europe Desk Serbia is organising the seminar “Creative Europe – project proposal development” on 21-22 November 2016. The invitation has been sent to institutes and organisations in Serbia planning to submit project proposals under Creative Europe.
At the seminar, the participants will define their project ideas, go through the administrative and financial parts of the project, analyse actively and improve their project proposals.
The objective of the seminar
The objective of the seminar is common project development to apply under Creative Europe and building of the programme and organisation capacities of institutes and organisations in Serbia. In addition, the seminar is being organised to enhance the communication, cooperation and experience exchange among the representatives of institutes and organisations in the field of culture from the town and municipalities of Serbia.
In addition to the basic selection criteria – quality of project proposals and potential partnerships, priority will be given to the representatives of institutes and organisations coming from smaller towns and municipalities of AP Vojvodina. The representatives of other institutes and organisations may participate in the seminar in case there are available seats. The quality of the project proposal is measured in terms of the following: harmonisation with the themes and priorities of Creative Europe, innovation and professional justification of the concept.
Conditions of the public call
1. The seats are limited to twenty-five participants;
2. Up to two persons from the same institute or organisation may apply to participate;
3. The Antenna of Creative Europe Desk Serbia will bear the costs of lodging and catering, and the participants shall cover their travel expenses.
Submission of applications
The application for the seminar needs to contain the following information (maximum three pages):
– Concept note of the project the institute or organisation wishes to submit under Creative Europe or which is considered to have potential to be submitted as a project application;
– List of potential project partners;
– Brief description of the institute / organisation (mission, objectives, main activities);
– Position of the person(s) applying to participate in the seminar.
The application has to be submitted to the email address of the Antenna of Creative Europe Desk Serbia –
Deadline for the submission of applications
The applications may be submitted until 17 November 2016. The applications delivered after the deadline shall not be taken into consideration.