Strategic partnership – way to EU funds

The local self-governments of Rekovac and Knić have joined the path to European partnership and capacity building for the use of EU funds.
Signing the protocol on cooperation between the European Affairs Funds of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Rekovac Municipality and Knić Municipality has created formal and legal conditions for its enhancement, which by the protocol itself, involves networking with partners from EU regions and institutions, promotion of local self-governments and their economic, cultural and other capacities in cooperation with the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels, training courses and educational and informative seminars for the representatives of local self-governments on EU funded project development and implementation.
In addition to the President of Rekovac Municipality, Predrag Đorđević, the attendees were addressed by the Vice-President of Knić Municipality, Borislav Busarac.
After the signing ceremony, the representatives of the European Affairs Funds of AP Vojvodina held a presentation to the participants on the funding opportunities under Community programmes, furthermore, opportunities offered by the forthcoming Danube programme and funding opportunities for agricultural producers under the IPARD programme. Moreover, the presentation included the Specialised Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds“, activities related to Creative Europe, in which implementation in Serbia, the European Affairs Funds of AP Vojvodina acted as the Antenna of the Desk Creative Europe.
The participants were sent an appeal to join forces, prepare, undergo training, establish institutional relations with EU partners so as to develop projects more efficiently. The meeting was attended by the representatives of municipalities of Batočina, Rekovac and Knić, as well as of public institutions in those municipalities.