Presentation of “To European funds by means of the standard” in Senta

In order to promote the document “To European Funds by means of the standard“, build the municipal capacity and intensify cooperation, a presentation has been held in the municipality of Senta.
In order to promote the document “To European Funds by means of the standard“, build the municipal capacity and intensify cooperation, a presentation has been held in the municipality of Senta. The presentation was attended by representatives of the local authority, public companies, youth office, cultural institutes and the media.
The Fund’s representatives presented the prospects of EU funding in the following perennial budget period and requirements set in the “Vojvodina Standard”, which was developed jointly by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Provincial Secretariat for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government and regional development agencies. In the course of the discussion, emphasis was placed on the importance of inter-municipal cooperation and joint development of regional projects. An analysis of priorities set forth in the document was carried out and particular stress was put on the need to fulfill the requested components in all municipalities of AP Vojvodina in order to allow for balanced development conditions. The attendees presented their experience in EU programmes and cooperation with neighbouring municipalities.