The Tour of the Office for European Affairs held in Stara Pazova

Informative and educational seminar of the Office for European Affairs was held yesterday in the premises of Stara Pazova Municipality. Stara Pazova Municipality is included in now open Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia Croatia, as well as in CBC with Hungary whose call is expected in the following months.

The seminar was attended by the representatives of local self-government, furthermore, economic, educational, tourist, cultural and sports organisations and NGOs from the territory of the district covered by the CBC. The representatives of the Office for European Affairs, Andrija Aleksić and Igor Bajić addressed the attendees and presented the CBC Programmes which would be accessible to our country in the course of the year.

The greatest interest was expressed in the prospects of participation of organisations and institutions from the teritory of Stara Pazova in current CBC Programmes with Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina that are open until October 6 and October 16, 2009.