Тhe third week of lectures “Get to know the EU“

During the last week of March, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina: Мilan Čežek, Zoran Pavić and Теоdora Milkov Manić held the lecture “Get to know the EU“ for the sixth-graders of the following elementary schools: “Dr Boško Vrebalov“ in Melenci, “Svetozar Marković“ in Еlemir, “Vuk Karadžić“ in Zrenjanin, “Servo Mihalj“ in Мužlja, “Јоvan Jovanović Zmaj“ in Zrenjanin, “Dr Aleksandra Sabovljev“ in Еčka, “Dositej Obradović“ in Zrenjanin, “2. окtobar“ in Zrenjanin and “Branko Radičević“ in Čenta.

Thе representatives of the EU Info Point, Jоvana Zdjelarević, Маrina Grnja Кljajić, Aleksandra Kapetanović and Duška Latas gave the quiz: “How well do you know the ЕU?“ to the pupils.