Environmentally friendly water management in plain areas (eWAM)

Environmentally friendly water management in plain areas (eWAM)

Source of funding Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Progrаmme
Project partners
  1. Public Water Management Company “Vode Vojvodine“ Novi Sаd, Serbiа
  2. European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
  3. Lower-Tisza District Water Directorate, Szeged, Hungary
Area of intervention Environmental protection
Project start 01. Feb 2013 – 31. Jul 2014
Project description Overall objective:

To improve cooperation and monitoring in water management in AP Vojvodina and Csongrád County.

Specific objectives:

(1)    To improve the water flow of the Jegrička River and Kurca Channel in the cross-border region by dredging and removing sludge and excess vegetation from the riverbed;

(2)    Development of a joint monitoring and analysis system to prevent flooding in the cross-border region;

(3)    Preservation of the biodiversity of the Jegrička River and Kurca Channel by water quality improvement.

Expected results

(1)    A section of the watercourse of the Jegrička River (from km 44+015 to km 37+892) and Kurca Channel (from 1+857 km to 4+750 km) cleaned of excess vegetation and polluted sludge;

(2)    Flood prevention achieved;

(3)    Monitoring of water quality and sludge performed on selected sites before and after the project in compliance with Article 8 of the Water Framework Directive accomplished;

(4)    Experience in monitoring between Serbian and Hungarian partners exchanged;

(4)    Biodiversity of the Jegrička River and Kurca Channel preserved by water quality improvement;

(5)    A faster flow of water in Jegrička River and Kurca Channel accomplished.

Main activities:

(1)    Dredging of the Jegrička River: The dredging includes hydro-technical solution in the form of works to improve the hydro-ecological status of riverbed and water quality. Hydro-technical works on the Jegrička River includes removal of vegetation, sludge and silt from km 44+015 to km 37+892 the Jegrička River.

(2)    Monitoring of the water in the Jegrička: The monitoring of water and sludge quality on selected sites will be performed before, during and after the dredging. The first one will be carried out before the dredging and removal of excess vegetation in order to determine the recent situation. The analysis will be repeated, in order to indicate the condition of this aquatic eco-system.

(3)    Dredging of the Kurca Channel: A project plan and execution of the dredging will be defined. The section between the 1+857 km and 4+750 km will be dredged in accordance with the existing technical plans.

(4)    Monitoring of the water in the Kurca: The section between the 1+857 km and 4+750 km will be monitored according the Water Framework Directive. The measurement of sludge and water quality will be performed before, during and after the dredging in order to determine the recent situation.

(5)    Visibility: Visibility activities will be implemented with the goal to present the project activities and results. The visibility requirements should be suited for all visitors and inhabitants of the project regions. The opening and closing conference will be held in Hungary and Serbia, preparation, printing and distribution of leaflets and brochures encompassing the analysis, monitoring results and Hungarian experiences with the WFD.

(6)    Software solution with website: The website has to include the following information: the best practice description concerning the Water Framework Directive monitoring and evaluation. In this section the partners upload a short description about the measurements (list of parameters, measurement methods, processes), the data of the measurements, short reports about the dredging, useful PR materials, evaluation (individual evaluations, common evaluations), photos.

(7)    Procurement of equipment and services: Procure expert service for PRAG processes, Tender Plan, monitoring service, dredging service. Arrange for expert services in order to guarantee the proper implementation of public procurement documents and procedures according to PRAG. Procure the monitoring service. Procure the instruments.

Target groups:

The main target groups with whom we will cooperate from the Serbian side are: Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad-Department for biology and ecology, local government; and from the Hungarian side among others University of Szeged, municipality of Szegvár.

The final beneficiaries are: farmers, population in flood risk areas, institutions involved in water management, tourist organizations.

Further information  www.ewamcbc.org

 HU-SRB IPA CBC – Project Catalogue

Publication “Examples of Good Cooperation”

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