Alternative Green Areas For Rural Europe – AGARE

Alternative Green Areas For Rural Europe – AGARE
Source of funding | Europe for Citizens |
Project partners | 1. EuLabTEC – Italy 2. Fond “Evropski poslovi” AP Vojvodine – Serbia 3. Lokalna akcijska grupa zagorje – Sutla – Croatia 4. Institute Perspectives – Bulgaria 5. Federación Asturiana de Concejos: FACC – Spain 6. HochVier – Germany 7. Muraba European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation – Hungary 8. Sarajevska regionalna razvojna agencija – Bosnia i Hercegovina 9. Zavod PIP – Pravni in informacijski center Maribor – Slovenia |
Area of intervention | Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation |
Project start | 01. Mar 2021 – 31. Aug 2022 |
Project description | The project’s aim is to strengthen the participation of rural citizens in the European Union in shaping policies and taking actions for the well-being of rural economies and communities. Those areas are threatened by aging and depopulation where people lack of job opportunities, such issues need to be tackled, this is why promoting social commitment actions that encourage the socio-economic development is the heart of the project with an emphasis on the green deal to promote our objectives. |
Further information | Activities: The project activities will be based on – 5 International Events dealing with important aspects of the European Green Deal and introduced to the rural areas’ population. – Local activities in each country with stakeholders to promote the European rural policy and the green deal. – Digital activities, organized by each partner and open to all, in order to encourage the participation of people in rural areas and strengthen the digital transition in these territories. – Identification of good practices regarding the circular economy and actions to tackle the depopulation in rural areas with a digital map and an e-book – Final event presenting the strategy for the rural areas. |
You can see all news about project – Alternative Green Areas For Rural Europe – AGARE |