Support sport and physical activity of girls (АctiveGirls)

Support sport and physical activity of girls (АctiveGirls)

Source of funding Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia 2014-2020
Project partners
  1. Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, Serbia
  2. Municipality of Szentes, Hungary
  3. Szeged Tisza Squash Sport Club, Hungary
  4. European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
Area of intervention Sports
Project start 01. Jun 2018 – 31. May 2020
Project description Main objectives: 
To support co-operation in the field of sport to develop joint approaches that would tackle the issue of low level of physical activity among elementary school girls (aged 7-15) in the cross-border region and thus ensure their positive relationship to sport as a key factor in leading a healthy lifestyle.Specific objectives:

  1. To improve the institutional capacity of schools and local sports organizations by increasing knowledge and awareness of the importance of girls’ active participation in sports in the cross-border area;
  2. To improve sports infrastructure (procurement of sports equipment and requisites) in order to increase the number of girls aged 7-15 years who are actively engaged in sports in municipalities in the border region between Serbia and Hungary;
  3. To implement a promotional campaign in the border area with the aim of increasing girls’ physical activity.

Expected results:

  1. Improved skills and competences of PE teachers at elementary schools,  coaches at local sports clubs and other sports experts in working with elementary school-aged girls;
  2. Improved the material conditions of sport facilities in AP Vojvodina and Csongrád County for carrying out PE classes and sports activities which are considered to be more appealing to girls;
  3. Increased awareness of available sports programmes for young girls in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and Csongrád County;
  4. Two regional camps for girls in the cross-border region organized.

Main activities:

  1. Research on barriers contributing to low level of physical activity;
  2. Development of teaching material;
  3. Translation and printing of teaching material;
  4. Organization of workshops;
  5. Procurement of sports equipment;
  6. Procurement of sports requisites;
  7. Organization of demo PE classes and coaching sessions for girls;
  8. Data collection on sport opportunities for young girls in the region;
  9. Development of a smartphone/ tablet app;
  10. Preparation of instructions for the mentoring programme;
  11. Organization of the mentoring programme;
  12. Participation in the EC initiative “European Week of Sport“;
  13. Launching a call for participation in regional junior camps;
  14. Organization of a regional junior camp for girls in Vojvodina;
  15. Organization of a regional junior camp for girls in Csongrád County.

Target groups:
Elementary school girls aged 7-15, PE teachers, coaches, families and school communities.

Further information

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