Prevention of Harassment at Workplace through Social Dialogue

Prevention of Harassment at Workplace through Social Dialogue
Source of funding | Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia – “Support to Civil Society“ programme |
Project partners |
Area of intervention | Social affairs |
Project start | 01. Jun 2011 – 30. Apr 2012 |
Project description | Overall objective:
To stimulate social dialogue regarding prevention of harassment at workplace in Serbian society and to improve relevant stakeholders’ behaviour in work environment. Specific objectives: (1) To enhance the capacities of employers and trade union organisations for the practical implementation of the Law on Prevention of Harassment at Work; (2) To raise public awareness and create conditions for social dialogue on prevention of harassment in the work environment. Expected results: (1) Employers and trade union activists trained to implement the Law on Prevention of Harassment at Work; (2) Three two-day seminars for representatives of relevant institutions, and trade unions, as well as other relevant stakeholders held; (3) Discussion for representatives of relevant institutions to present the Swedish social model (example of best practice from EU countries) organised; (4) Survey on the basis of questionnaires on the knowledge of rights and obligations pursuant to the Law on Prevention of Harassment at Work conducted and presentation of expert analysis n EU harassment issues held; (5) Brochure “Guide through the Law on Prevention of Harassment at Work“ prepared and published; (6) Press conferences organised and promotional campaign for the general public on the topic of prevention of harassment at work conducted. Main activities: (1) Organisation of seminars and workshops; (2) Visibility project activities; (3) Promotional campaign for the general public; (4) Conduction of survey and publishing of results; (5) Publication of the brochure “Guide through the Law on Prevention of Harassment at Work“. Target groups:Presidents of trade union, authorised intermediaries, educators-multipliers of knowledge of the area from various towns in Vojvodina, women and young people which are the most exposed categories to all types of harassment, employers. |
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