The Closing Conference was held as part of the CCI4Tourism project

The closing conference, within the CCI4Tourism project, was held on December 1, 2022 in Thessaloniki (Greece).
In the first part of the conference, an overview of the CCI4Tourism project was given with an emphasis on tourism and creative industries within the Jadranko-Ionian region. On that occasion, the representative of the Technopolis Science and Technology Park (TNO) David de Niccolo spoke to the audience. While, on behalf of Nardo Municipality EMOUNDERGROUNDS, Ida Korela, project manager, spoke.
During the second session, representatives of the Friuli Innovative Research and Technology Transfer Center (FINN), representatives of the Development Agency Sora (RAS), representatives of the “European Affairs” Fund of AP Vojvodina, representatives of the Business and Cultural Development Center (KEPA) and others. The topic of networks of creative hubs for cultural tourism was discussed, as well as the challenges and opportunities for the development of Adriatic-Ionian tourism.
The conference was attended by members of the project team from the “European Affairs” Fund, as well as other project partners.