Representatives of the provincial administration improving the capacities for the development of successful European projects
The third cycle of the training course “EU Funds – from idea to implementation“ has been held and organised by the European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province (AP) of Vojvodina and the Department of
The third cycle of the training course “EU Funds – from idea to implementation“ has been held and organised by the European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province (AP) of Vojvodina and the Department of Human Resources Management of the Provincial Government of AP Vojvodina. The course was held from 25th to 26th September at the premises of the Centre of Economic and Technological Development of Vojvodina (CePTOR), Andrevlje, where the representatives of different provincial administrative authorities could obtain basic knowledge on the development of projects to be submitted as applications under EU calls for proposals.
During the two-day training course, the representatives of the provincial administration were informed about the novelties in the framework of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA 2) that was to be applied in Serbia in the following financial perspective from 2014 to 2020, as well as about the new EU programmes, which underwent certain changes in comparison to the last financial perspective 2007-2013. Moreover, the attendees obtained basic knowledge on and directions for EU fund management, so that they could develop project proposals on their own and position them strategically within the framework of defined priorities and financial limitations. During the course, the attendees could obtain detailed information about the tools used in develpoing project ideas, such as the problem tree and logical framework, and the second day was dedicated to the project budgeting. By doing practical tasks, the attendees gained hands-on experience in the development of certain project proposals and European projects.