A working visit to the municipality of Kikinda

In order to build the municipal capacities and intensify mutual cooperation, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina Milan Čežek, Branislav Srdić, Zoran Pavić and Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin have visited the municipality of Kikinda.
During the meeting with Stanislav Vujčić, secretary of development and investment management, and his associates, the discussion touched upon the ongoing projects of the municipality of Kikinda, which had been approved for funding under the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Romania-Serbia 2014-2020 and were being implemented. Moreover, the plans for the restoration of the municipality (hospital, cultural centre, square, etc) were presented, which would be implemented by additional pre-accession funds available to the municipality.
The idea of the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina about linking the municipalities in the Province and their further cooperation was well received by the representatives of Kikinda. The examples of good cooperation would indicate successful projects, in addition, they could serve as a support for neighbouring municipalities that were not so active in applying under the open EU programmes, and thus were lacking in using the available grants to solve local problems.