Antenna of the Desk Creative Europe Serbia – Public call for the submission of applications for attending the seminar “Creative Europe Programme – Cooperation Projects“
The Antenna of the Creative Europe Desk Serbia is organising a seminar “Creative Europe Programme – Cooperation Projects” on 16th and 17th September 2015. The venue will be published subsequently. The call is aimed at all institutions and organisations in Serbia that are planning to apply under Creative Europe. The participants in the seminar will deal with project ideas and concepts, administrative and financial aspects of the project and actively analyse and compare the participants’ project proposals.
The objective of the seminar is to improve the quality and development of projects to apply under Creative Europe and build the programming and organisational capacities of institutions and organisations of Serbia. In addition, the seminar aims at enhancing the communication, cooperation and exchange of experience among the representatives of institutions and organisations of culture of Serbian towns and municipalities.
In addition to the main criterion for the selection of seminar participants – the quality of project proposal and potential partnerships, priority shall be given to those representatives of institutions and organisations who are from the towns and municipalities of AP Vojvodina. The representatives of other institutions and organisations may participate in the seminar if there are left seats. The quality of the project proposal shall be assessed in terms of the following: harmonisation with the themes and priorities of Creative Europe, innovation and professional justification of the concept.
Conditions of the public call
1. The number of seats is limited to twenty-five persons;
2. Up to two persons of an institution or organisation may apply for the seminar;
3. The travel expenses to the seminar venue shall be borne by the participants, whereas the other costs shall be borne by the Antenna of the Creative Europe Desk Serbia.
Submission of applications
The following information (up to three pages maximum) has to be indicated in the application for the seminar:
– Brief description of the project by means of which the institution or organisation plans to apply under Creative Europe or estimates that the project proposal has potential for application;
– List of potential project partners;
– Brief description of the institution / organization (mission, goals, main activities);
– Position of the person(s) applying to attend the seminar.
Deadline for the submission of applications
The applications have to be submitted to the email of the Antenna of the Creative Europe Desk Serbia – until 11th September 2015