The beginning of the project to improve water quality in the cross-border region between Hungary and Serbia

The opening conference of the project “Eco-friendly water management against extreme weather conditions in the cross-border area – ECOWAM“, approved under the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia, was held in Szeged on 30th  November 2017  to mark the beginning of the project implementation.

The conference was opened by Péter Kozák PhD, Director of the Lower Tisza District Water Directorate, László Nagy, MP in the Hungarian Parliament in charge of the development of Csongrád County, Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, and Aleksandar Kocan, Assistant Director for Development of the PWMC “Vode Vojvodine“.

The project, with the overall value of EUR 1,758,447.43, of which the amount of the EU contribution is EUR 1,494,680.31, is implemented by the Lower Tisza District Water Directorate–ATIVIZIG (Hungary), PWMC “Vode Vojvodine” (Serbia) and European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbia).

In Hungary, the main objective of the project is to revitalize the watercourse of the Kurca Main Channel, as the largest catchment area in the competence of the Lower Tisza District Water Directorate, as well as to improve the quality of water, and hence the quality of water for irrigation in this area. Through the project, the Bikaistálló artificial facility for water retention near Szentes will be reconstructed, which will contribute to a more efficient water management. In the same area, a measuring station will be built, so as to ensure a continuous monitoring of water quality.

PWMC “Vode Vojvodine” will carry out the works of dredging on the Jegrička involving ca. 11-km section. The dredging will eliminate harmful vegetation and accumulated sludge. A multifunctional amphibian machine will be provided for the works, which will be suitable for maintaining the part of Jegrička included in the project, as well as for maintaining the other parts of Jegrička. In addition, a walking and inspection path along the Jegrička will be built.

In addition to ensuring the visibility of the project, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina is in charge for the production of a monograph about the Jegrička Nature Park, study on the installation of natural water purifiers and for conducting a hydro biological analysis of water and sludge quality.

The implementation of the project will increase not only the ability of people in the cross-border region to adapt to the effects of climate changes, but by joint efforts of the Serbian and Hungarian partners, our region will come closer to achieving the water quality objectives foreseen by the EU Water Framework Directive.

The project started on 1st October 2017, and its completion is planned for September 2019.

About the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Hungary-Serbia

The Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia is implemented within the 2014-2020 European Union financial framework, under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). On the basis of “shared management system” of the participating countries – Hungary and Serbia, the Programme funds and supports cooperation projects of organizations located in the Programme-eligible area – Hungarian counties Csongrád and Bács-Kiskun, and Serbian territories: West Bačka, North Bačka, South Bačka, North Banat, Central Banat, South Banat and Srem district.

The Programme helps the development of a stable and cooperating region and the overall quality of life in the border region. It enables economic collaboration of organizations from the two countries, nurtures the common identity, and cultural and historical heritage of the border region, and contributes to its environmental sustainability and safety.

For more information, please visit:



This project is co-financed by the European Union. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of the Lower Tisza District Water Directorate / PWMC “Vode Vojvodine” Novi Sad / European Affairs of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.