


EURODYSSEY је програм Скупштине европских региона (АЕР) за мобилност младих која ради међу регионима чланица АЕР-а више од 30 година. Основан је 1985. године и на тај начин први је програм размене АЕР-а, у циљу повећања шанси младих људи из…

Info Day on Entrepreneurship

The Info Day on Entrepreneurship was an opportunity for students of the Educons University in Sremska Kamenica to obtain useful and practical information on the EU programmes, as well as the national ones regarding start-ups and starting a private business.…


Eurodyssey is AER’s youth mobility programme operating between AER’s member regions for over 30 years. Set up in 1985 and thus being AER’s first exchange programme, it aims at improving the chances of young Europeans to integrate into working life…

Presentation of Horizon 2020 and COSME in Novi Sad

The EU Info Day – within which Horizon 2020 (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) and COSME (EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) – gathered more than 60 participants, professors, scientists, researchers and…