Fiskalis 2021-2027 program

The total budget of the program is 269 million euros.
Duration of the program:
1. January 2021 – December 31, 2027.
Program website:

The Fiskalis program is a program of the European Union whose purpose is to improve the tax systems of the participating countries, i.e. member states of the European Union as well as candidate countries, among which is the Republic of Serbia.
Fiskalis 2021-2027 is a program that deals with the exchange of information and experiences between tax authorities in European countries. The goal of the program is to, in partnership with other European countries, develop a pan-European information system and build person-to-person networks, bringing together national officials.

Support to tax authorities and taxation to improve the functioning of the internal market. Encourage the competitiveness of the Union and fair competition in the Union. It protects the financial and economic interests of the Union and its Member States, including the protection of those interests against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, as well as improving tax collection. Support the development of tax policy activities and the implementation of Union law related to taxation Encourage cooperation between tax authorities, including the exchange of tax information and the development of capacities, such as human competences and European electronic systems.

It supports the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and aggressive tax planning and the enforcement of Union law in the field of taxation by ensuring the exchange of information through the communication network of European information systems, bringing together officials, to help reduce the administrative burden of tax authorities and costs to taxpayers.

The program is for European Union countries, but it is also open to candidate countries and potential candidates.
Accession countries, candidate countries and potential candidates have the right to participate, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programs established in the respective framework agreements and decisions of the Association Council, or similar agreements and in accordance with the special conditions established in agreements between the Union and that country;
countries of the European Neighborhood Policy, in accordance with the general principles and general conditions for the participation of those countries in the programs of the Union established in the respective framework agreements and decisions of the Association Council, or in similar agreements and in accordance with the special conditions established in the agreements between the Union and that country, provided that those countries have reached a sufficient level of approximation of the relevant legislation and administrative methods to those of the Union;
other third countries, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the special agreement covering the participation of the third country in any Union program;
The following countries have expressed interest in joining the Fiscalis program: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine**.
*This designation does not prejudge positions on status and is in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244/1999 and the Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the declaration of Kosovo's independence.
**The accession process is ongoing from October 2021. The section will be regularly updated based on the evolution of the accession of individual countries.

All actions are open to officials working in tax administrations in EU member states and candidate countries that have joined the program. Serbia joined this program in 2015

The European Commission is responsible for the implementation of the program. He is assisted by the Fiscalis program committee, which consists of delegates from each EU member state.