Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary Serbia

IPA: 63,550,000.00 euros
Total (IPA + co-financing): 74,764,705.88 euros
Duration of the program:
01. January 2021 – December 31, 2027


Additional information:

Interreg-IPA Hungary-Serbia cross-border cooperation program (Intereg VI-A IPA Hungary Serbia) is an initiative within the financial framework of the European Union for the period 2021-2027, as part of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). .

The program was approved by the European Commission on October 17, 2022. Based on the system of "joint management" of the participating countries - Hungary and Serbia, the Program finances and supports cooperation projects of non-profit organizations located in the Program area, including the Hungarian NUTS III level counties Csongrad and Bač-Kiskun and the Serbian counties equivalent to the NUTS III level: West Backa, North Backa, South Backa, North Banat, Central Banat, South Banat and Srem.

Long-term goal: The long-term and overall goal of the Program is the harmonious development of the region with intensified economic cooperation through the sustainable use of natural and cultural resources.

Objectivesunder priority 1:

Goal 1.1: Adaptation to climate change, risk prevention

Goal 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution

Objectivesunder priority 2:

Goal 2.1: Education and lifelong learning

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism

Objectivesunder priority 3:

Objective 3.1: Better management of cooperation

Objective 3.2: A safer and more secure Europe

The program focuses on the following priorities and program objectives:

Priority 1: A greener region

Objective 1.1: Adapting to climate change, preventing risks (SC 2.4)

Goal 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution (SC 2.7)

Priority 2: Improvement of human and cultural values

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning (SC 4.2)

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism (SC 4.6)

Priority 3: Cross-border institutional and civil cooperation

Objective 3.1: Better management of cooperation (ISC1)

Objective 3.2: A safer and more secure Europe (ISC2)

The territory covered by the Program includes the following regions equivalent to the NUTS 3 level:


In Hungary:

Csongrad-Canad County

Bač-Kishkun County

In Serbia:

Zapadnobac administrative district

Severnobački administrative district

North Banat administrative district

Juznobac administrative district

Central Banat administrative district

South Banat administrative district

Administrative district of Srem

  • Civil society organizations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Organizations for the protection of the environment and nature
  • Local governments
  • Regional organizations and regional public authorities and their organizations
  • Professional organizations
  • Educational organizations
  • Research organizations
  • Local media organizations
  • Organizations of social work and social protection services
  • Vocational schools
  • Tourist destination management organizations or professional tourism organizations
  • Cultural institutions/organizations dealing with culture (e.g. theaters, cultural centers/cultural centers, libraries, museums, galleries, music and art schools, etc.)
  • Organizations for cross-border cooperation and other relevant organizations
  • Water management companies and associations
  • Local and regional administration
  • Development agencies etc.


Program bodies

  • The European Commission (EC) is the donor of IPA funds (Community contribution) and determines the IPA rules.


  • The Joint Supervisory Board (JSB) monitors and supervises the implementation of the program and is responsible for the selection of projects. Its work is regulated by the Standing Orders (Rules and Procedures) of ZNO.

The ZNO includes the following member institutions with the right to vote:


From Hungary:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in the role of the Hungarian National Body
  • Bács-Kiskun County
  • Csongrád County
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Ministry of National Development
  • Ministry of National Economy
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs

From Serbia:

  • Ministry of European Integration, Government of the Republic of Serbia, in the role of the Serbian National Body
  • Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
  • Permanent Conference of Cities and Municipalities
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection
  • Ministry of Economy
  • Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
  • Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure


Matije Korvina 17, 24000 Subotica, SERBIA

Phone: +381 24 55 97 97


Joint Secretariat (JS)

ZS is located in Széchenyi Programiroda d.o.o. (Széchenyi Programiroda Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.) in Budapest and Szeged.

H-1053, Budapest, Szép Street 2

H-6722, Szeged, Szentháromság street 34. (2nd floor)


+ 36 1 224 3112


Viktor Tunic

Head of the Joint Secretariat

phone: +36 1 457 5556



Jánoš Haláš

Deputy Head of the Joint Secretariat

phone: +36 62 549 372; +36 30 835 8229




Contact information can be found at the following link:

You can find all relevant documents on the website: